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Jacquard Solarfast Wash 236ml

Use Jacquard Solarfast Wash with Jacquard Solarfast Dyes to remove undeveloped dye from prints. This reduces the risk of backstaining during washing.

Jacquard Solarfast Wash is ideal for preserving white areas and highlights when making photographic prints on fabric and paper.




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Jacquard Solarfast Dyes 236ml

ONLY $27.20

Jacquard Solarfast Dyes are light sensitive dyes, great for creating detailed photograms, photographs and shadow-prints. Apply Jacquard Solarfast Dyes with brush, sponge or squeegee, expose to sunlight while still damp and wait for your design to develop!

Jacquard Solarfast Dyes can be use on all natural fibers, including cotton, linen, canvas, silk, wood, rag papers and more. Ideal for painting, tie dyeing, screen printing, stamping, batik and more. Prints are lightfast and washable and doesn't require heat setting.


Jacquard Solarfast Thickener 236ml

NOW $29.35

Jacquard Solarfast Thickener is used to increase the viscosity of Jacquard Solarfast Dyes for screen printing applications.

Jacquard Solarfast results in lightfast, washable and permanent prints while leaving fabric soft and zero relief on paper.

Jacquard Solarfast is a easy dye based system for screen printing. It does not require heat setting or chemical fixing, never dries permanently in screen and is easy to clean up with water.