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Art Spectrum Oil Painting Medium #2 is used as the next fattest medium in the sequence of painting by the"fat over lean" rule. It contains more oil and slower drying than Medium #1.
Medium #1 can be fattened by gradually adding Medium #2. Medium #2 may be used as a glazing medium but if very thin veils of colour are required, it is recommended to use Art Spectrum Medium #4.
Art Spectrum Oil Medium range is also available in #3
Art Spectrum Oil Painting Medium #3 is used as the fattest medium in the sequence of painting by the"fat over lean" rule. It contains more oil and slower drying than Medium #2. Ideal for painters who prefer a heavier and more viscous medium.Medium #2 can be fattened by gradually adding Medium #3 in 10% increments.
Art Spectrum Oil Medium range is also available in #1 and #4 Liquol
Art Spectrum Oil Painting Medium #4, or Liquol medium is a glazing medium. Fast drying and versatile medium ideal for multiple glazes. Depending on climate and thickness of the paint, paint mixed with Medium #4 will dry within 24 hours. Paint wet on wet or leave to dry before overpainting.
Art Spectrum Oil Medium range is also available in #1, #2 and #3
Art Spectrum Medium #1 is ready to use straight from the container and is the leanest of the Art Spectrum mediums. Depending on climate and thickness of the paint, Medium #1 will usually dry overnight. It contains a balanced amount of stand oil and turpentine for a well balanced and permanent paint layer. Use to clean and lessen absorbency of pre-primed canvas, simply wipe on and then wipe off.
Art Spectrum Oil Medium range is also available in #2, #3 and #4 Liquol