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Liquitex Slow-Dri Blending Fluid

Liquitex Slow-Dri Blending Fluid is uniquely formulated for superior surface blending with acrylic colours. Without jeopardizing the paint strength, Liquitex Slow-Dri Blending Fluid increases the "open" working time of the paint. Flexible and non-yellowing, Liquitex Slow-Dri Blending Fluid is water-resistant and clear when dry. Ideal for softer edges & modelled forms.




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Liquitex Slow-Dri Fluid Retarder 118ml

NOW $25.10

Liquitex Slow-Dri Retarders are designed to extend the drying time of acrylic paints.

Liquitex Slow-Dri Retarder - Fluid features:

  • Increases transparency
  • Reduces paint skinning
  • Excellent for liner work, transparent washes & wet-on-wet

Liquitex Light Modeling Paste

NOW $35.90

Liquitex Light Modeling Paste is a lightweight, airy, flexible & thick sculptural gel. Highly versatile, Liquitex Light Modeling Paste has been specifically formulated to be used in applications where weight is a factor or to be used stand alone to create a dry, matte opaque white. Often used with texture gels, Liquitex Light Modeling Paste will not exhibit "mud cracking."


Liquitex Flow-Aid 118ml

NOW $25.10

Liquitex Flow-Aid is a fluid additive which increases the flow, absorbency & blending of any water-based paint, ink or dye. When used with soft-bodied acrylics, Liquitex Flow-Aid can create staining effects on canvas and very fluid washes.


Liquitex Clear Gesso Primers

FROM $35.90

Liquitex Gesso Primer sizes and primes while maintaining the original appearance of the surface. Applicable to surfaces such as canvas, wood and any clean porous or non-oily surface, Liquitex Gesso Primers provide the perfect "tooth" and adhesion.

Liquitex Clear Gesso Primer dries clear to translucent depending on thickness.